李开本; 陈体强; 林衍亻全; 林兴生; 张芸; 兰良程; 麦克·尼克西奇
福建省农业科学院植保研究所; 福建省农业科学院植保研究所; 福建省农业科学院植保研究所; 福建省农业科学院植保研究所; 亚太地区食用菌培训中心; 亚太地区食用菌培训中心; 贝尔格莱德大学食品技术与生物化学学院 福州350013 ; 福州350013 ; 福州350013 ; 福州350013 ; 福州350001 ; 福州350001
【中文摘要】 以栎属原木为材料,对来自贝尔格莱德的9个灵芝菌株进行短段木栽培试验,结果发现,GA 2和GA 9两个菌株尚具一定栽培价值,单产分别为8.8kg m3和8.3kg m3,平均单朵重分别为12.38g和12.16g,GA 2和GA 9两个菌株的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳图谱基本一致。测试结果表明,驯化栽培的灵芝子实体,其水分、粗蛋白、粗纤维、粗脂肪、多糖及灰分含量分别为11.3%~12.7%,11.6%~12.8%,28.7%~30.8%,4.8%~5.6%,0.90%~1.02%和1.4%~1.7%;其脂肪酸构成主要以油酸(C18∶1,59.6%)和亚油酸(C18∶2,19.2%)等不饱和脂肪酸为主;含有18种氨基酸,总量为9.611%,其必需氨基酸含量占氨基酸含量总量的50.6%(E T=0.506)。
【英文摘要】 Short wood-logs (Quercus spp.) were applied in the artificial domestication cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum strains obtained from Belgrade University. The experiment result showed that strains GA-2 and GA-9 were the optimum strains with the yield being 8.8kg/m3 and 8.3 kg/m3 (dry fruitbody) respectively, and the average weight of single fruitbody being 12.38g and 12.16g (dry fruitbody) respectively. The microstructures of hymenium and basidiospores were observed by electric scanning microscopy (SEM). And the electrophoresis chromatogram of soluble mycoprotein of strains GA-2 and GA-9 by GC PAGE was basically identical. While the analytical results showed that the contents of water, crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat, polysaccharide and ash in the fruitbodies of G. lucidum GA-2 and GA-9 were 11.3% and 12.7%,11.6% and 12.8%, 28.7% and 30.8%, 4.8% and 5.6%,0.90% and 1.02%,1.4% and 1.7% respectively, that their fatty acids were mainly composed with the unsaturated fatty acids includi...更多ng oleic acid (C18:1,59.6%) and linoleic acid(C18:2,19.2%), and that 18 kinds of amino acids were found in the fruitbodies with a total content and E/T being 9.61% and 50.6% respectively. 还原
【中文关键词】 贝尔格莱德灵芝菌株; 栽培性状; 显微形态; 电泳图谱; 化学成分
【英文关键词】 Ganoderma lucidum strain from Belgrade; Cultivation characteristic; Micro-morphology; Electrophoresis chromatogram; Chemical component
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2004年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2004-02-006