陈文强; 邓百万; 胥成浩; 彭浩
陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室; 乐山师范学院生物系; 乐山师范学院生物系; 陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室 陕西汉中723001 ; 四川乐山614000 ; 四川乐山614000 ; 陕西汉中723001
【中文摘要】 测定和分析了猪苓(Polyporusumbellatus)营养菌丝与野生菌核中蛋白质的氨基酸种类及含量。结果表明,猪苓营养菌丝中的粗蛋白含量是32.5%,必需氨基酸含量是3.51%,氨基酸总量是10.09%;野生菌核中的粗蛋白含量是6.87%,必需氨基酸含量是1.53%,氨基酸总量是4.53%。营养菌丝的粗蛋白和氨基酸含量显著高于野生菌核。
【英文摘要】 The amino acid constitution of crude protein in the vegetative mycelia and wild sclerotia of Polyporus umbellatus was determined and analyzed in this paper. The experimental results showed that the contents of crude protein, essential amino acid and total amino acid in the vegetative mycelia were 32.5%,3.51% and 10.09% resp.,while the contents of crude protein,essential amino acid and total amino acid in the wild sclerotia were 6.87%,1.53% and 4.53% resp.. The contents of crude protein and amino acid in the vegetative mycelia were higher than that in the wild sclerotia.
【中文关键词】 猪苓; 营养菌丝; 野生菌核; 蛋白质
【英文关键词】 Polyporus umbellatus; Vegetative mycelium; Wild sclerotium; Protein
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2004年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2004-02-004