谭著明; DANELL Eric; 申爱荣; 傅绍春
湖南省林业科学院菌根性食用菌研究中心; Museum of Evolution-Botany Section; Uppsala University
【中文摘要】 自1998年始,我们已在湖南、江苏等地建立了65 ha以上红汁乳菇—马尾松种植园。这些林分一般三年后开始产菇,年产量可达675 kg/ha。为了确认所产红汁乳菇子实体来源于接种的菌根苗而非自然侵入的孢子,我们进行了子实体、菌根苗菌根的分子研究。首次比较了试验地所产子实体与红汁乳菇—马尾松菌根苗培养钵内的菌根的ITS序列。同时,用RAPD法分析了取自于试验地内的10个红汁乳菇子实体。结果表明,10个子实体中的9个与起始菌种CX1相比具有75%96%的相似性。其余一个及作为外群取自于340 km外的广西融水的子实体与起始菌种分别具有61%和37%的相似性。我们认为,上述9个子实体与起始菌种的相关性比外群和第10个子实体更为紧密。推测认为起始菌株及其子代菌丝形成了上述9个子实体,而其余一个子实体可能来源于周边森林侵入的孢子。
【英文摘要】 Since 1998 we have established more than 65 ha of Lactarius hatsutake-Pinus massoniana plantations in China.The production started three years after plantation,and the annual production may reach 675 kg/ha.To confirm that the fruit bodies originated from our inoculated seedlings and not from mycelia introduced naturally by spores,a molecular study was made.The ITS sequences of fruit bodies from the experimental plot and ectomycorrhizae from Pinus massoniana seedlings in pots were first compared.Then,ten fruit bodies of L.hatsutake collected from the experimental plot were analyzed with RAPD.The results showed that nine of ten fruit bodies in the plot shared 75%~96% of the characters with the original mycelium CX1.One fruit body from the plot and the outgroup fruit body shared 61% and 37% of the characters with the original mycelium.We conclude that nine of ten fruit bodies were more related to each other and to the original mycelium,than to the outgroup or the tenth fruit body.It seems...更多 that the original clone and daughter mycelia of the original clone constituted nine of the ten studied fruit bodies,while one fruit body originated from a mycelium introduced via spores from another forest. 还原
【中文关键词】 红汁乳菇; 外生菌根; 栽培; ITS序列; RAPD
【英文关键词】 Lactarius hatsutake; ectomycorrhizae; cultivation; ITS sequence; RAPD
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2008年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2008-03-020