刘朝贵; 马根艳; 聂和平; 邵坤
【中文摘要】 报道了武陵山脉七曜山区大型真菌资源126种,其中食、药用菌105种、毒菌7种,隶属于2亚门9目30科61属。调查发现,该地区大型真菌种类分布于阔叶林中有74种,针阔混交林中有39种,针叶林中有35种,灌木林中有17种。已调查的大型真菌资源中有外生菌根菌69种,木生菌32种。
【英文摘要】 One hundred and twenty-six wild fungal species belonging to 61 genera from 30 families,nine orders and two subphyla have been identified in the Qiyaoshan Region of the Wuling mountain chain,of which 105 species are recorded as edible or medicinal,and seven species that have been documented as poisonous. Ecological distribution analysis revealed that 74 species were distributed in broad-leaf forests,39 species in mixed coniferous∶broadleaf forests,35 species in coniferous forests,and 17 species in shrub forests. Sixty-nine ectomycorrhizal fungi and 32 species of xylophilous fungi were identified.
【中文关键词】 七曜山; 大型真菌; 资源调查
【英文关键词】 Qiyaoshan; macro-fungi; resource assessment
【基金】国家科技部“十五”科技攻关项目“三峡库区生态环境安全及生态经济系统重建关键技术研究与示范”(编号:2004BA604A05);; 西南大学科技创新基金“武陵山区野生食用菌驯化及栽培技术研究”(编号:sz2006005)的部分研究内容
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2009年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:SYJB.0.2009-02-016