【作者】茆广华; 徐财泉; 周晓芬; 兰伟
【Author】MAO Guanghua; XU Caiquan; ZHOU Xiaofen; LAN Wei Zhejiang FangGe Pharmaceutical Co.; Ltd.; Qingyuan; Zhejiang 323800; China
【摘要】 采用L9(34)正交试验设计,考察灰树花(Grifola frondosa)子实体粉碎粒度、料液比、提取时间和提取次数对粗多糖得率和样品中总糖含量的影响;同时考察了不同种类和不同使用量的絮凝剂对灰树花粗多糖中重金属的去除效果。试验结果表明,在4个考察因素中,原料粉碎粒度对两个考察指标均有显著影响,优化的水提工艺条件为超细粉(150目,2.8125μm),料液比1/30,提取时间1h,提取2次,此提取工艺条件下的粗多糖得率和样品中总糖含量均较高;絮凝剂M(添加量为0.05%)对灰树花粗多糖中Pb,As,Hg,Cd的去除率分别为76.6%,93.6%,>99.9%和97.9%,处理后的灰树花多糖产品中重金属含量符合出口要求。本试验优化的提取工艺已用于灰树花粗多糖生产,0.05%使用量的絮凝剂M可有效去除粗多糖产品中的重金属。
【Abstract】 Orthogonal testing [L9(34)] was used to optimize selected parameters affecting polysaccharide extraction from Grifola frondosa fruit bodies that had been dried and pulverised. Particle size was the most influential parameter,and the optimal extraction conditions were:particle size 2.8125 μm,solid-liquid ratio 1/30,extraction time 2 h,and three successive extractions. Of several treatments evaluated,0.05% Flocculant M was most effective in lowering the heavy metal content of extracted polysaccharide,removing 76.6%,93.6%,>99.9% and 97.9% of the Pb,As,Hg and Cd residues,respectively.
【关键词】 灰树花; 多糖; 提取工艺优化; 重金属去除
【Key words】 Grifola frondosa; crude polysaccharides; optimization of extraction conditions; heavy metal removal
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2010年01期