【作者】杨秀芬; 杨怀文; 师迎春; 魏宝康; 张金霞
【Author】YANG Xiufen1; YANG Huaiwen1; SHI Yingchun2; WEI Baokang3; ZHANG Jinxia41Key Laboratory for Biological Control of Ministry of Agriculture; Institute of Plant Protection; ChineseAcademy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS); Beijing 100081; China; 2Beijing Plant Protection Station; Beijing100029; China; 3Beijing Agricultural Technology Extension Station; Beijing 100029; China; 4Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning; CAAS; Beijing 100081; China.
【作者机构】农业部生物防治重点开放实验室中国农业科学院植物保护研究所; 北京市植物保护站; 北京市农业技术推广站; 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
【摘要】 采用黄板和黑光灯诱集法分别在北京和福建评价了夜蛾斯氏线虫(Steinernema feltiae)控制双孢磨菇(Agaricus bisporus)眼蕈蚊(sciarid flies)的效果。黄板诱集结果表明,施用线虫后眼蕈蚊种群数量大幅度降低,北京点处理后第19天的虫口减退率达68.8%;福建点处理后第33天的虫口减退率达81.9%;杀虫灯诱集结果表明,施用线虫后12 d,对照菇房平均日诱虫量3.59万头,处理菇房平均日诱虫量2.67万头。大蜡螟诱集法检测发现,线虫施入培养料后58 d,对大蜡螟致死率3 d达87.5%,5 d达100%;线虫施入培养料后120 d对大蜡螟幼虫致死率3 d仍达52.6%。
【Abstract】 Both the yellow sticky trap and light trap methods were used to evaluate the efficacy of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae in controlling sciarid flies in Agaricus bisporus mushroom beds over a two year period in Beijing and Fujian Province.Nematode suspensions containing 100 IJs/m2were sprayed onto the mushroom beds after the first mushroom harvest.Tests using the yellow sticky trap revealed that sciarid populations were reduced by 68.8% after 19 days and 81.9% after 33 days following treatment compared with untreated controls.Averages of 26 700 and 35 850 sciarid flies per day were captured by the nematode treatments and in light traps,respectively.Nematode persistence was determined using the wax moth(Galleria mellonella) trapping assay.Mortality rates for 5th instar larvae of G.mellonella were 87.5% and 52.6% after 58 and 120 days,respectively following application to the compost.
【关键词】 昆虫病原线虫; 双孢磨菇; 眼蕈蚊; 生物防治
【Key words】 Entomopathogenic nematode; Steinernema feltiae; Agaricus bisporus; sciarid flies; biological control
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2010年02期