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    【作者】李洪荣; 陈美元; 廖剑华; 王泽生

    【Author】LI Hongrong; CHEN Meiyuan; LIAO Jianhua; WANG ZeshengEdible Fungi Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Fuzhou; Fujian 350014; China


    【摘要】 采用同工酶聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis,PAGE)技术,对双孢蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)菌株0214及其分解基质能力退化菌株0214-3、0214-5在4种不同液体培养基中培养的菌丝体的酯酶(esterase,EST)、多酚氧化酶(polyphenoloxidase,PPO)、细胞色素氧化酶(cytochrome oxidase,COD)同工酶进行分析,结果表明:在部分培养基中3个菌株的EST和PPO同工酶表型有明显差异,且2个退化菌株的同工酶表型变异一致,说明双孢蘑菇分解基质能力的退化与EST和PPO同工酶活性存在相关性。各菌株在不同培养基中的COD同工酶酶谱表型一致。

    【Abstract】 Esterase(EST),polyphenoloxidase(PPO) and cytochrome oxidase(COD) isozyme patterns were determined in Agaricus bisporus,strain 0214,and two derived mutant strains(0214-3 and 0214-5) with diminished ability to degrade the cultivation substrate,following growth on four different liquid media.Although the EST and PPO isozyme patterns of the two mutants were virtually identical under every growth condition,they differed from the EST and PPO isozyme patterns of strain 0214 observed following growth on two and three test media,respectively.All three strains exhibited the same COD isozyme patterns irrespective of the growth conditions.Our data indicated a link between EST and PPO isozyme patterns and the substrate-decomposing ability of A.bisporus.

    【关键词】 双孢蘑菇; 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳; 退化; 同工酶

    【Key words】 Agaricus bisporus; cultivation substrate-degrading ability; isozyme; esterase; polyphenoloxidase

    【基金】国家自然科学基金项目(编号:30871769);; 福建省科技重大专题(编号:2008SZ0002)的部分研究内容

    【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2010年02期



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