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    【作者】潘慧; 徐章逸; 边银丙

    【Author】PAN Hui1; XU Zhangyi1; BIAN Yinbing1; 21Institute of Applied Mycology; Huazhong Agricultural University; Wuhan; Hubei 430070; China; 2 Research Center of Edible Mushroom Engineering and Technology of Hubei; Wuhan; Hubei 430070; China

    【作者机构】华中农业大学应用真菌研究所; 湖北省食用菌工程技术研究中心

    【摘要】 以杏鲍菇(Pleurotus eryngii)6号和ACCC50894为亲本,分别采用单孢杂交和原生质体单核体杂交方式获得65和37个杂交子,观测杂交子及亲本菌丝体生长情况,选择长势好及生长快速的杂交子进行栽培出菇试验。采用灰色关联度分析法对15个生长势较强的杂交子从7个性状方面进行综合评价,结果表明,单孢杂交获得的杂交子D12、D18、D20、D30、D19、D31、D17和D48关联度排名先于两亲本,农艺性状和子实体性状表现较好;原生质体单核体杂交菌株Y29和Y30关联度排名介于两亲本之间。

    【Abstract】 Mating experiments involving either monokaryotic basidiospores or protoplast monokaryons derived from Pleurotus eryngii parental strains No.6 and ACCC50894 were used to generate 65 and 37 hybrid strains,respectively.Fruiting tests were carried out on hybrids selected on the basis of mycelial growth rate and growth vigor,and fruit bodies were successfully obtained from 15 hybrids.Grey correlation analysis based on a comprehensive evaluation of seven selected agronomic traits revealed that hybrids D12,D18,D20,D30,D19,D31,D17 and D48 obtained from monospore crossings were superior to the two parental strains,while hybrids Y29 and Y30 obtained from protoplast monokaryon crossings ranked between the two parental strains.

    【关键词】 杏鲍菇; 单孢杂交; 原生质体单核体杂交; 农艺性状; 灰色关联度分析

    【Key words】 Pleurotus eryngii; monospore crossbreeding; protoplast monokaryon crossbreeding; agronomic character; grey correlation analysis

    【基金】公益性行业科技(农业)专项(编号:NYHYZX07-008);; 武汉市科技产业化专项(编号:20062001011)的部分研究内容

    【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2010年02期



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