【作者】丁兴红; 温成平; 丁志山; 范永升
【Author】DING Xinghong; WEN Chengping; DING Zhishan; FAN YongshengZhejiang Chinese Medical University; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 310053; China
【摘要】 采用低能离子射线诱变原生质体选育桑黄菌株SH009,在确定诱变剂量效应曲线的基础上选择了1.5×1015ions/cm2氮离子的诱变处理剂量。经过对诱变原生质体单个再生菌落的筛选,得到8株变异株,选取生长速度较快的5个菌株进行摇瓶培养,这5个菌株的菌丝体多糖和总黄酮产量均比出发菌株有所提高,其中P4的多糖和总黄酮产量分别比出发菌株提高了87.76%和73.24%。5个诱变菌株经平板传代5代以后的生长速度均保持稳定,无明显回复突变。结果表明,采用低能离子射线诱变桑黄菌株是一种有效的诱变育种方法。
【Abstract】 Low energy ion implantation technology was used to generate mutants of Phellinus igniarius SH009 with enhanced polysaccharide and flavonoid content.Protoplasts of P.igniarius were subjected to ion implantation and,after protoplast regeneration,eight mutants were selected on the basis of mycelial growth rate and growth vigor.Following four sub-cultures on potato dextrose medium,five mutants exhibiting stable mycelial growth rates were selected for polysaccharide and flavonoid analysis.Crude polysaccharide levels were significantly higher(p<0.05) in two mutants compared with the parent strain,and total flavonoid levels were significantly higher(p<0.05) in all five mutants.Highest increases in polysaccharide and flavonoid content were recorded with mutant P4,which were 87.76% and 73.24% higher,respectively compared with the parental levels.Our data demonstrate that low energy ion irradiation is a suitable method for breeding improved strains of P.igniarius.
【关键词】 桑黄; 低能离子射线; 诱变; 原生质体
【Key words】 Phellinus igniarius; ion implantation; mutation; protoplast
【基金】2008年浙江省高等学校优秀青年教师资助计划(编号:71008809);; 2009年浙江省中医药青年课题研究计划(编号:2009YA003)的部分研究内容
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2010年02期