【作者】赵微微; 李海波; 付立忠; 吴学谦; 许修宏; 贺亮; 程俊文; 魏海龙; 吴庆其
【Author】ZHAO Weiwei1; LI Haibo 2; FU Lizhong2; 3; WU Xueqian 2; 3; XU Xiuhong1; HE Liang 2; CHENG Junwen 2; WEI Hailong2; 3; WU Qingqi2; 31Northeast Agricultural University; Harbin; Heilongjiang 150030; China; 2ZhejiangForestry Academy; Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Biological and Chemical Utilization of ForestResource; Hangzhou; Zhejiang 310023; China; 3Lishui Edible Fungal Research and DevelopmentCenter; Lishui; Zhejiang 323000; China
【作者机构】东北农业大学; 浙江省林业科学研究院浙江省森林资源生物与化学利用重点实验室; 丽水市食用菌研究开发中心
【摘要】 利用前期研究开发的10个SCAR分子标记对47个香菇主栽菌株的基因组DNA进行扩增分析。基于SCAR标记在检测菌株中的存在与缺失差异,7个香菇菌株被首先鉴别出来,其余40个菌株被分成11个小组,其中一些形态特征极为相近的菌株,如L241与L241-4、闽丰1号与L12、Cr02与7402等被相互辨别。
【Abstract】 Forty-seven Lentinula edodes strains that are presently cultivated in China on a large scale were collected and analyzed with 10 previously developed stable sequence characterized amplified region(SCAR) molecular markers.Based on detected differences in SCAR phenotypes,seven individual L.edodes strains were identified,and the remaining 40 strains were separated into 11 distinct groups.Our data provide the first molecular-based evidence confirming the distinction between closely related L.edodes strains having similar morphological features,including strains L241 and L241-4,Minfeng-1 and L12,and Cr02 and 7402.
【关键词】 香菇; 主栽品种; SCAR标记; 分子鉴定; 食用菌
【Key words】 Lentinula edodes strains; major cultivars; SCAR molecular marker; molecular identification; edible mushroom
【基金】“十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题“人工栽培食用菌优质新品种选育研究”(编号:2008BADA1B02);; 浙江省创新团队建设与人才培养项目“现代食用菌技术创新团队建设”(编号:2009F20019);; 浙江省农业科技成果转化资金项目“专用型香菇新品种推广与种性安全快速鉴定技术示范应用”的部分研究内容
【文献出处】 食用菌学报,Acta Edulis Fungi,编辑部邮箱,2010年02期