【作者】颉敏华; 李梅; 吴小华; 田世龙; 仁爱民; 张桂香
【Author】XIE Min-hua1; 2; LI Mei1; 2; WU Xiao-hua3; TIAN Shi-long1; 2; REN Ai-ming4; ZHANG Gui-xiang4(1.Agricultural Product Storage and Processing Research Institute; Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Lanzhou Gansu 730070; 2.Engineering and Technology Research Center for Agricultural Product Storage and Processing of Gansu Province; Lanzhou Gansu 730070; 3.College of Agronomy; Gansu Agricultural University; Lanzhou Gansu 730070; 4.Vegetable Research Institute; Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Lanzhou Gansu 730070)
【作者机构】甘肃省农业科学院农产品贮藏加工研究所; 甘肃省农产品贮藏加工工程技术研究中心; 甘肃农业大学农学院; 甘肃省农业科学院蔬菜研究所
【摘要】 以双孢蘑菇为材料,研究其适宜的贮运温度、包装材料和保鲜剂种类。结果表明,0℃是双孢蘑菇贮藏的适宜温度,泡沫箱为双孢蘑菇适宜的贮运包装材料,3种强氧化性保鲜剂,对双孢蘑菇具有很好的保鲜效果,分别为二氧化氯(50 mg·L-1~200 mg·L-)1、次氯酸钠(20 mL·L-1~50 mL·L-)1和过氧化氢(3%~5%)。贮藏20 d,经二氧化氯、次氯酸钠和过氧化氢处理的双孢蘑菇,其褐变指数分别为0.269、0.4和0.469,分别较对照CK低73.1%、60%和53.1%,其开伞率分别为20%、35%和35%,分别较对照CK低80%、65%和65%。
【Abstract】 Take the Agaricus bisporus as the material,the appropriate storage and transportation temperature,packing materials and preservative type were studied.The results showed that 0℃ was the appropriate storage temperature,the foam boxes were suitable storage and transportation packing material for the Agaricus bisporus,3 kinds of strong oxidizing preservative on Agari-cus bisporus had a good fresh-keeping effect,namely,chlorine dioxide(ClO2,50 mg·L-1~200 mg·L-1),sodium hypochlorite(NaClO,20 mL·L-1~50 mL·L-1) and hydrogen peroxide(H2O2,3%~5%).The browning index of Agaricus bisporus stored for 20 d,treated with ClO2,NaClO and H2O2,was 0.269,0.4 and 0.469,respectively,which were 73.1%,60% and 53.1% lower than the CK.The parachute rates were 20% and 35%,respectively,which were 80% and 65% less than the CK.
【关键词】 双孢蘑菇; 保鲜; 二氧化氯; 次氯酸钠; 过氧化氢
【Key words】 Agaricus bisporus; ClO2; NaClO; H2O2; Fresh-keeping
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2010年03期