【作者】谷妲; 包海鹰
【Author】GU Da; BAO Hai-ying(Jilin Agriculture University; Changchun Jilin 130118)
【摘要】 采用显微鉴定和理化检识的方法对栽培桦褐孔菌和野生桦褐孔菌菌核进行生药学的比较。结果显示显微鉴定中栽培与野生桦褐孔菌菌核差别在于前者菌丝松散,分枝较少;后者相反。理化检识方面,薄层层析比较得到二者均含有白桦酯醇;GC-MS联用分析鉴定出栽培桦褐孔菌菌核石油醚提取物中8个化合物,占总量的70.31%;野生桦褐孔菌菌核石油醚提取物中4个化合物,占总量的16.04%,并且二者没有共同的化合物;高效液相色谱分析出栽培桦褐孔菌的粗水提取物和野生桦褐孔菌菌核的粗水提物在相同条件下,栽培桦褐孔菌菌核粗水提取物明显的峰有2个,保留时间分别为85.026 min和107.920 min;野生桦褐孔菌菌核粗水提物明显的峰有4个,保留时间分别为76.310 min、77.130 min、87.546 min和97.423 min。可以看出,相同条件下二者比较,并未发现相同的成分。
【Abstract】 The comparison of pharmacognosy between cultivated and wild Inonotus obliquus sclerotium were analyzed by the microscopical identification and the methods of physical and chemical inspection knowledge.The differences between cultivated and wild Inonotus obliquus were insisted in some aspects in microscopical identification,such as the former had incompact hypha and less divarications,while the later was opposite.The betulin was the same compound in them by TLC.There were 8 compounds identified in petroleum ether layer of cultivated Inonotus obliquus(70.31%) by GC-MS,and there were 4 compounds identified in petroleum ether layer of wild Inonotus obliquus(16.04%) by GC-MS.There was no same compounds between them.The compare results between crud water extract of cultivated and wild Inonotus obliquus by HPLC under the same conditions showed that crude water extract of cultivated Inonotus obliquus had two obvious peaks,and retention time was 85.026 min and 107.920 min.Crude water extract of...更多 wild Inonotus obliquus had four obvious peaks,and the retention time respectively was 76.310 min,77.130 min,87.546 min,97.423 min.As can be seen,the same compounds were not found in crude water extracts of the cultivated and wild Inonotus obliquus under the same concentration. 还原
【关键词】 栽培; 野生; 桦褐孔菌菌核; 显微鉴定; 理化检识
【Key words】 Cultivated; Wild; Inonotus obliquus sclerotium; Microscopical identification; Physical and chemical inspection knowledge
【基金】国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目(编号:30510154);; 国家自然科学基金资助项目,项目批准号:30870013
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2010年03期