【作者】赵爽; 刘宇; 许峰; 王贺祥; 王守现; 孟莉莉; 耿晓丽
【Author】ZHAO Shuang1; LIU Yu1; XU Feng1; WANG He-xiang2; WANG Shou-xian1; MENG Li-li1; GENG Xiao-li1(1.Institute of Plant and Environment Protection; Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences; Beijing 100097; 2.State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology and Department of Microbiology; China Agricultural University; Beijing 100193)
【作者机构】北京农林科学院植保环保研究所; 中国农业大学农业生物技术国家重点实验室
【摘要】 对本实验室保藏的4个姬松茸品种进行了菌丝发酵,以酪蛋白、PNPP和ABTS为底物测定了菌丝体细胞内的蛋白酶、磷酸酶和漆酶的活性。数据结果显示,被测定的4个姬松茸品种均具有磷酸酶的活性,其中姬松茸(巴西)的活性最高为48.1 U·g-1;蛋白酶和漆酶活性的检测中发现,只有姬松茸7号和姬松茸11号具有活性,其中姬松茸7号具有较高的蛋白酶活性(95.2 U·g-)1,姬松茸11号具有较高的漆酶活性(58.6 U·g-)1。姬松茸7号和姬松茸11号同时具有3种酶的活性,可以作为深加工的优势材料。
【Abstract】 Four strains of Agaricus blazei were chosed,which were available in our lab.The activities of proteinase,phosphatase and laccase were studied.The results showed that all of the tested strains exhibited the phosphatase activity,and the phos-phatase activity of Agaricus blazei was the highest of 48.1 U·g-1.It was found that Agaricus blazei No.7 had the highest pro-teinase activity of 95.2 U·g-1 and Agaricus blazei No.11 had the highest laccase activity of 58.6 U·g-1.The other two strains were devoid of proteinase and laccase activities.In all,Agaricus blazei No.7 and Agaricus blazei No.11 can be considered as advanced strains in process engineering.
【关键词】 姬松茸; 蛋白酶; 磷酸酶; 漆酶
【Key words】 Agaricus blazei; Proteinase; Phosphatase; Laccase
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2010年03期