【作者】张晓瑞; 窦铁岭; 石景荪; 张立峰; 左启华
【Author】ZHANG Xiao-rui1; DOU Tie-ling2; SHI Jing-sun3; ZHANG Li-feng1; 2; ZUO Qi-hua1; 2 (1.College of Agronomy; Agriculture University of Hebei; Baoding Hebei 071001; 2.Zhangbei Agriculture Resource and Ecological Environment Key Fild Research Station; Ministry of Agriculture; Zhangjiakou Hebei 076450; 3.Oriental Academy of Fine Arts; Xinle Hebei 050700)
【作者机构】河北农业大学农学院; 农业部张北农业资源与生态环境重点野外观测试验站; 石家庄东方美术职业学院
【摘要】 面对蔬菜消费结构的高级化,探讨喜凉性香菇的时序供应规律与经济特征,对市场有效组织与生产技术创新具有重要作用。以北京典型批发市场为代表,采集香菇2005年2008年日交易量、价格与日交易额等资料,研究华北温带地区香菇的供求状况。结果表明,华北香菇市场周年交易量存在明显的冬春供应旺季与夏秋供应淡季的周年变化和"大小年"趋势,季节差价45.23%52.35%。华北地区香菇市场季节间价格周年变化相对均衡,面对淡季的香菇生产,降低成本与产业化市场组织成为提高经济效益的主要途径。
【Abstract】 With the consumption structure improving in vegetable, it was important for organizing market effectively and innovating technology to probe into the law of supply and economic characters of Lentinus edodes. From Beijing market, the daily trading volume, price and daily turnover were gathered from 20052008 to study the supply and demand situation in the temperature zone of North China. The results showed that there were annual variation with supply peak season in winter and spring and supply off season in summer and fall obviously, and there were on and off-year on the variation. The season price difference rate was 45.23%52.35%. The price annual variation of Lentinus edodes were relative equilibrium, so depressing cost and industrialized market organizers were the important ways to increase economic benefits.
【关键词】 香菇; 季节差价; 大小年; 华北地区
【Key words】 Lentinus edodes; Season price difference; On and off-year; North China
【基金】国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD15B05);; 河北省“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(06220901D)
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2010年04期