【作者】赵玉卉; 王秉峰; 路等学; 高静梅; 王龙; 张铎; 秦鹏
【Author】ZHAO Yu-hui; WANG Bing-feng; LU Deng-xue; GAO Jing-mei; WANG Long; ZHANG Duo; QIN Peng (Institute of Biology; Gansu Academy of Sciences; Lanzhou Gansu 730000)
【摘要】 对兰州市市售的8个鲜食用菌样品中的铅、镉、砷、汞含量进行检测,并结合国家卫生质量标准(GB7096-2003)及《绿色食品-食用菌》NY/T749-2003,对被测食用菌中的重金属含量进行安全评价,结果表明,兰州市市售食用菌的重金属含量总体上是安全的,但有个别样品出现汞含量超过国家标准。
【Abstract】 The content of 4 heavy metals (Pd, Cd, As, Hg) were detected in 8 samples. The Samples of edible fungi were collected from the market of Lanzhou. Reference to the nationl health quality standards (GB 7096-2003) and green food-edible mushrooms (NY/T 749-2003), pollution assessment were done. The results showed that the contents of 4 heavy metals studied in edible mushroom samples were all blow the regulated criteria, however, individual samples of mercury concentration exceeding the national standard of China.
【关键词】 食用菌; 铅; 镉; 砷; 汞
【Key words】 Edible fungus; Lead; Cadmium; Arsenic; Mercury
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2010年04期