【作者】宫志远; 韩建东; 任鹏飞; 任海霞
【Author】HAN Jian-dong; GONG Zhi-yuan; REN Peng-fei; REN Hai-xia (Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science; Jinan Shandong 250100)
【摘要】 以工厂化栽培金针菇的废菌糠为主要基质,与棉籽壳和玉米芯等配制成不同的组合进行袋栽秀珍菇(设秀珍菇57和台湾秀珍菇2个品种)配方筛选试验。结果表明,不同配方上秀珍菇长势均良好,在金针菇菌糠含量为60%的情况下,随着培养料中棉籽壳含量的增加,秀珍菇的产量也逐渐增加,其中以配方3的投入产出比最高,成本较对照降低约26.9%,2个品种产量均明显提高。
【Abstract】 Pleurotus geesteranus Singer were cultivated in plastic bags with spent Flammulina velutipes substrate as the main nourishing material mixed with cotton seed hulls and corn cob in different proportion to screen the high yield formulae. The results showed that mycelial growth vigor in all formulae were strong, and fruit body yield increased gradually with the cotton seed hulls higher concentration. The input-output ratio of formula 3 was the highest, its production cost decreased by 26.9% and yield increased remarkably.
【关键词】 秀珍菇; 金针菇菌糠; 培养料; 配方
【Key words】 Pleurotus geesteranus; Spent substrate of Flammulina velutipes; Compost; Formulae
【基金】国家现代农业食用菌产业技术体系(2009-2013);; 国家“十一五”科技支撑课题“农村食用菌规模化生产新技术及新模式研究与示范”(编号:2008BADA1B03)
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2010年04期