【作者】刘小娇; 徐阿生; 邓丽君
【Author】LIU Xiao-jiao; XU A-sheng; DENG Li-jun (Tibet Institute of Ecology; Tibet Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College; Linzhi Xizang 860000)
【摘要】 色季拉山位于藏东南,系念青唐古拉山延伸的余脉,由于受印度洋暖湿气流的作用,这里气候比较湿润,森林生长茂密,真菌资源丰富,依据在色季拉山区采集的标本和查阅的相关文献,整理出红菇科(Russulaceae)23种,其中红菇属(Russula)15种、乳菇属(Lactarius)8种。
【Abstract】 Sejila Mountain is in the southeast of Xizang. It is an expansion of the Nianqing Tanggula. The climate of Sejila Mountain was affected by humid of the warm and wet flow from the Indian Ocean. Fungal resources were rich. According to specimen collected from the Sejila Mountain and related literature consulted, there are 16 species of Russulaceae, 13 species of Russula and 3 species of Lactarius in Sejila Mountain.
【关键词】 红菇属; 乳菇属; 经济价值; 色季拉山
【Key words】 Russula; Lactarius; Economic value; Sejila Mountain
【文献出处】 中国食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,编辑部邮箱,2010年04期