【作者】 卢赛红;王春晖;彭运祥;姜性坚
【Author】 LU Sai-hong,WANG Chun-hui,PENG Yun-xiang,JIANG Xing-jian(Hunan Domestic Fungus Research Institute,Changsha Hunan 410043)
【机构】 湖南食用菌研究所
【摘要】 以L-半胱氨酸和氯化钙作为复合保鲜剂,进行金针菇保鲜研究。经正交试验,筛选出最优化保鲜剂配方为:L-半胱氨酸浓度为0.6 mg.kg-1、氯化钙浓度为0.3 g.100-1.mL-1。试验结果表明,在温度(5±1)℃下,浸泡1 min,金针菇可保鲜16 d,表现为无褐变,气味正常,色泽乳白。通过失重率和褐变度的进一步研究,得出L-半胱氨酸和氯化钙复合保鲜效果明显,有较好的应用推广价值。
【Abstract】 Using L-cysteine and calcium chlutions as a preservatives,the fresh-keeping of Flammulina velutipes was studied in this paper.Through orthogonal test,the results showed that the best fresh-keeping agent of Flammulina velutipes was L-cys-teine with 0.6 mg.kg-1,calcium chlutions with 0.3 g.100-1.mL-1.Soaking 1 min in L-cysteine and calcium chlutions agent,the Flammulina velutipes could be preserved for 16 days at(5±1) ℃ with non-browning,normal flavour and mliky-white during the preservation perio...
【关键词】 金针菇;L-半胱氨酸;氯化钙;贮藏保鲜
【Key words】 Flammulina velutipes;L-Cysteine;Calcium chlutions;Fresh-keeping
【基金】 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划课题“金针菇物流与保鲜技术研究及产业化示范”(2008BADAIB07)
【文献出处】 中国食用菌, Edible Fungi of China, 编辑部邮箱 , 2010年05期