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    野生木耳担孢子萌发特性研究【作者】 宋小亚;李阳;刘德云


    【作者】 宋小亚;李阳;刘德云

    【Author】 SONG Xiao-ya,LI Yang,LIU De-yun(Lishui Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lishui Zhejiang 323000)

    【机构】 浙江省丽水市农业科学研究院

    【摘要】 采用振荡培养法研究了野生木耳担孢子的萌发特性。结果表明,木耳担孢子在无菌水中培养24 h不能萌发,36h时可萌发产生芽管,60 h后芽管出现分支,各分支顶端产生1个4个分生孢子。试验发现,木耳担孢子可直接萌发产生初生菌丝或分生孢子。

    【Abstract】 In order to elucidate basidiospore germination process of wild Auricularia sp.,the germination characteristics were studied by using shaking culture.The results showed that the basidiospore was not germinated after 24 h in sterile water,howev-er,the basidiospore could germinate and produce germ tubes by 36 h.The germ tubes could branch and produce 1 to 4 conidia at the top ends at 60 h.The basidiospore of Auricularia sp.could germinate and produce primary hyphae or conidia directly.

    【关键词】 木耳;担孢子;分生孢子;芽管

    【Key words】 Auricularia sp.;Basidiospore;Conidia;Germ tube

    【基金】 浙江省农业厅种子种苗工程项目,编号:浙农计发(2006)54号

    【文献出处】 中国食用菌, Edible Fungi of China, 编辑部邮箱 , 2010年05期

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