【作者】 倪新江; 李洁; 初洋; 赵艳丽; 尹茜;
【Author】 NI Xin-jiang,LI Jie,CHU Yang,ZHAO Yan-li,YIN Qian(Chemistry and Biology College,Yantai University,Yantai Shandong 264005)
【机构】 烟台大学化学生物理工学院;
【摘要】 以棉籽壳为主料,对平菇、刺芹侧耳、黄伞、灵芝、金针菇和香菇原种培养期间的菌丝生长速度、呼吸消耗及胞外酶活性的关系进行了研究。结果表明,6种食用菌的菌丝生长速度与呼吸消耗正相关,而有机物的降解速率与胞外酶活性的大小没有相关性。
【Abstract】 Correlations of mycelial growth rates and respiration consumption,extracellular enzyme activities in Pleurotus ostrea-tus,P.eryngii,Pholita adiposa,Ganoderma lucidum,Flammulina velutipes and Lentinula edodes cultivated on cotton seed hull medium were studied in stage of primary stock cultivation.The results indicated that there existed the positive correlation between the mycelial growth rates and respiration consumption,but no correlation between the degradation rates of the organic matter and ...
【关键词】 原种培养; 菌丝生长速度; 呼吸消耗; 胞外酶活性; 有机物降解;
【Key words】 Primary stock cultivation; Mycelial growth rate; Respiration consumption; Extracellular enzyme activity; Organic matter degradation;
【基金】 山东省自然科学基金项目“三种珍稀食用菌对栽培基质的降解与转化”(ZR2010CM022)中的部分内容
【文献出处】 中国食用菌, Edible Fungi of China, 编辑部邮箱 , 2010年06期