【作者】 徐彦军;
【Author】 XU Yan-jun(Agricultural College of Guizhou University,Guiyang Guizhou 550025)
【机构】 贵州大学农学院;
【摘要】 分别以玉米秸秆和玉米芯作栽培主料,采用棚内菌袋出菇和露地覆土出菇方式栽培鲍鱼菇,研究鲍鱼菇菌丝生长、子实体性状、营养成分和产量表现。结果表明,配方1菌丝长势浓密、粗壮,配方2菌丝长势弱。在各栽培方式中,处理3(配方1,露地覆土出菇)鲍鱼菇子实体性状表现好,产量和生物转化率最高,分别达每30袋8.34 kg和61.78%,且氨基酸种类丰富,营养成分含量高。但露地覆土出菇方式和棚内菌袋出菇方式相比鲍鱼菇子实体产量差异不显著。
【Abstract】 With corn stalks and corn cob for cultivation ingredients,Pleurotus abalonus were cultivatied by bagging-cultivation in greenhouse and casing-cultivation in the open field respectively.The mycelium growth,fruiting characteristics,nutrition and yield performance were studied.The results showed that the mycelium of formula 1 grew thick and sturdy while formula 2 were weak,and fruiting body of treatment 3(Formula 1,casing-cultivation in the open field) take on good traits,yield and biological conve...
【关键词】 鲍鱼菇; 栽培方式; 产量; 营养成分;
【Key words】 Pleurotus abalonus; Cultivation methods; Yield; Nourishment compositions;
【基金】 贵州省农业攻关项目,项目编号:黔科合NY[2008]3032;;科技支撑计划课题(2008BADB5B03)
【文献出处】 中国食用菌, Edible Fungi of China, 编辑部邮箱 , 2010年06期