【作者】 张祖堂; 邱春锦; 卢翠香; 龚国桢; 蔡开地; 黄金华;
【Author】 ZHANG Zu-tang1,QIU Chun-jin1,LU Cui-xiang1,GONG Guo-zhen2,CAI Kai-di3,HUANG Jin-hua4(1.Institute of Agriculture Science,Putian Fujian 351144;2.Shuinan Huangshi Town,Putian Fujian 351144;3.Soil and Fertilizers Station of Licheng District,Putian Fujian 351100;4.Agricultural Technology Station of Licheng District,Putian Fujian 351100)
【机构】 福建省莆田市农科所; 福建省莆田市荔城区土肥站; 福建省莆田市荔城区农技站;
【摘要】 前发酵堆料,变传统的单堆大堆为贴堆小堆,可以提高发酵质量,减少用工成本,提高蘑菇产量。试验表明,采用宽度0.8 m的培养料进行贴堆前发酵,比传统的大堆料(1.8 m),每座菇房(144 m2)节约用工成本200元,平均单产由8.93 kg.m-2提高到11.92 kg.m-2。
【Abstract】 Attaching-stack pre-fermentation technology could chang bigger single-stack into smaller attaching-stack,which could improve the the fermentation quality,reduce the labour costs and increase the yield of Agricus bosporus.The results showed that compared with the control(1.8 m),each mushroom house(144 m2) could save 200 yuan and the unit yield was increased from 8.93 kg.m-2 to 11.92 kg.m-2.
【关键词】 双孢蘑菇; 前发酵; 小堆料; 贴堆;
【Key words】 Agricus bosporus; Pre-fermentation; Smaller stack; Attaching-stack;
【基金】 莆田市科技局“双孢蘑菇三次发酵综合配套技术的创新与应用”,项目编号:2009N16(2)