【作者】 覃宝山; 覃勇荣; 梁超林;
【Author】 QIN Bao-shan,QIN Yong-rong,LIANG Chao-lin(Department of Chemistry and Life Sciences,Hechi Uuniversity,Yizhou Guangxi 546300)
【机构】 河池学院化学与生命科学系;
【摘要】 将稳定态二氧化氯一元粉剂溶解和稀释后,拌入栽培基质进行生料栽培秀珍菇,稀释比例(药水比)为1∶(2 300~2 400)的处理对杂菌抑制的效果较好,秀珍菇的生长状况与熟料栽培的相当,但生物学效率略低;装袋后放置168 h再接种,秀珍菇菌丝长势较好,杂菌感染率较低。实验结果表明,二氧化氯可作为一种有开发潜力的食用菌栽培料灭菌剂。 更多还原
【Abstract】 Having been dissolved and diluted with pure water,stable chlorine dioxide mixture powder agent was mixed into the raw material of P.cunucopiae cultivation.It was showed that the effect of bacteria inhibition was better when the dilution rate was 1︰(2 300~2 400) in mushroom cultivation materials treatment,and the growth situation of P.cunucopiae was equal to that of clinker cultivation,but the biological efficiency was a litter lower than that of the latter.Vaccination after bagging and placement... 更多还原
【关键词】 二氧化氯消毒剂; 拌料栽培; 秀珍菇;
【Key words】 Chlorine dioxide disinfectant; Mixing medium cultivation; Pleurotus cunucopiae;
【基金】 广西高校重点实验室(桂教科研[2010]6号);;河池学院科研立项课题(2007A-N004)
【文献出处】 中国食用菌, Edible Fungi of China, 编辑部邮箱 , 2011年01期