【作者】 刁桂萍; 孟雪; 邹莉;
【Author】 DIAO Gui-ping,MENG Xue,ZOU Li(Northeast Forestry University,Haerbin Heilongjiang 150040)
【机构】 东北林业大学;
【摘要】 采用组织分离法,对东宁县的松口蘑进行了分离培养。通过显微观察及RAPD-PCR技术对松口蘑子实体及其相应的培养物之间进行了亲缘关系鉴定。结果表明,菌褶为松口蘑组织分离的最适宜部位,其最佳分离培养基为PWJ,即PDA+黑木耳二级种浸出液+麦麸。RAPD-PCR结果显示,松口蘑子实体与分离物之间的DNA指纹相似系数在0.97~1.00之间,表明松口蘑子实体与其相应的培养物在种质上是一致的。 更多还原
【Abstract】 In this study,the mycelia of Tricholoma matsutake from Dongning were cultivated by the method of tissue separation and identified using RAPD-PCR.The results showed that lamellae were suitable for the tissue separation and well induced on PWJ medium.By RAPD-PCR analysis,DNA fingerprint similarity coefficient was 0.97~1.00,that implied the mycelia were indeed from their corresponding fruiting body. 更多还原
【关键词】 松口蘑; 组织分离; RAPD-PCR;
【Key words】 Tricholoma matsutake; Tissue separation; RAPD-PCR;
【基金】 哈尔滨市科技攻关项目(2005AA3CN184);;中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(DL09AA02)
【文献出处】 中国食用菌, Edible Fungi of China, 编辑部邮箱 , 2011年02期