【作者】 刘冬华; 刘红; 陈娴; 汪彬; 许丽娟; 罗容珺;
【Author】 LIU Dong-hua,LIU Hong,CHEN Xian,WANG Bin,XU Li-juan,LUO Rong-jun(Hunan Province Microbiology Research Institute,Changsha Hunan 410009)
【机构】 湖南省微生物研究所;
【摘要】 通过中试发酵实验,在温度26℃,通气流量1∶1.0,搅拌速度50 r.min-1的条件下发酵8 d,发酵浸提液多糖含量每毫升可达36.5 mg。放罐后将菌球与发酵液一并用纱布过滤后用清水洗涤菌球,将洗涤后的菌球于56℃烘干至恒重。干菌球产量为39.92 mg.mL-1,此种干菌球的多糖含量为15.86%。
【Abstract】 The fermentation experiment condition was at 26℃,the voluntary ventilation 1:1.0,the stiring rate 50 r·min-1,fermentation time 8 d.The results showed that the content of the polysaccharide from leaching solution by ferment would be reach to 36.5 mg·mL-1.After the termination of the fermentation test,fungus ball and fermented liquior would be filtrated together,washing the fungus ball with clean water and drying these fungus balls at 56℃ until constant weight.The final result was that the output ...
【关键词】 姬松茸; 菌丝体; 多糖; 生物量;
【Key words】 Agaricus blazei Murrill; Mycelium; Polysaccharide; Biomass;
【基金】 湖南省科学技术厅计划项目(03NKY3055)