【作者】 邹晓; 瞿娇娇; 刘清兴; 刘爱英;
【Author】 ZOU Xiao,QU Jiao-jiao,LIU Qing-xing,LIU Ai-ying(Institute of Fungus Resources,School of Life Science,Guizhou University,Guiyang Guizhou 550025)
【机构】 贵州大学生命科学学院真菌资源研究所;
【摘要】 选取7株可食用真菌,接种于B3F级初烤烟叶,温度30℃,湿度(70±2)%培养50 d。通过测试烟叶的还原糖、烟碱、总氮、糖碱比、蛋白含量和样品感官评吸,对发酵后烟叶品质做理化和感官上的综合评价,以筛选出对烟叶品质有明显改善作用的菌株用于烟草的醇化研究。结果发现几株真菌对烟叶品质改善明显,特别是食用菌Z-7(Pleurotusostreatus)对烟叶品质改善显著。
【Abstract】 Eight edible fungi were incubated to B3F flue-cured tobacco leaf at constant temperature for 30 d.Through the test of reducing sugar,total nitrogen,nicotine,sugar than alkali,and protein content and artificial smoking index,these tobacco were comprehensive evaluated using in alcoholization research.The results showed that these strains can help to improve the quality of cured tobacco significantly and edible fungi Z-7 were excellent.
【关键词】 微生物; 食用菌; 烤烟; 醇化;
【Key words】 Microorganism; Edible fungi; Cured tobacco; Alcoholization;
【基金】 中国烟草总公司贵州省公司科技项目(200921)