【作者】 蒙健宗; 潘红平; 韦珂;
【Author】 MENG Jian-zong1,PANG Hong-ping2,WEI Ke3(1.College of Life Science and Technology,Guangxi University,Nanning Guangxi 530004; 2.College of Animal Science and Technology,Guangxi University,Nanning Guangxi 530004; 3.College of Agriculture,Guangxi University,Nanning Guangxi 530004)
【机构】 广西大学生命科学与技术学院; 广西大学动物科学与技术学院; 广西大学农学院;
【摘要】 测定了大麦虫沙的主要成分,在培养基中添加大麦虫沙,研究大麦虫沙对秀珍菇产量和营养成分的影响。结果表明,大麦虫沙的粗蛋白含量与麦麸相当,添加在培养料中对秀珍菇增产的效果显著,在普通桑杆培养基中添加15%大麦虫沙栽培可增产15.1%,可使秀珍菇的可溶性蛋白含量和氨基酸含量分别提高39.1%和30.0%。
【Abstract】 The effect of Zophobas morio feces on the yield and nutritions of Pleurotus pulmonarius were studied.The results showed that Zophobas morio feces could make positive effect.When 15% Zophobas morio feces were added to mulberry culture medium,the yield of Pleurotus pulmonarius increased by 15.1%,the content of soluble protein increased by 39.1%,and the content of amino acid increased by 30.0%.
【关键词】 大麦虫沙; 秀珍菇; 可溶性蛋白; 氨基酸;
【Key words】 Zophobas morio feces; Pleurotus pulmonarius; Soluble protein; Amino acid;
【基金】 世行贷款生态家园应用研究项目(桂201006A)