【作者】 张玉金; 郭华春; 陈严平; 付子艳; 王翠玲; 李梦杰; 李荣春;
【Author】 ZHANG Yujin1,GUO Huachun2,CHEN Yanping1,FU Ziyan1,WANG Cuiling1,LI Mengjie1,LI Rongchun1 1Institute of Edible Fungi,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming,Yunnan 650201,China;2Tuber and Root Crops Research Institute;Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming,Yunnan 650201,China
【机构】 云南农业大学食用菌研究所; 云南农业大学薯类作物研究所;
【摘要】 综述鸡菌(Termitomyces spp.)及其共生白蚁的共生起源、共生关系及共生繁衍的研究进展,以期为深入研究鸡?菌及其共生白蚁提供参考。鸡菌及其共生白蚁起源于3千万年前非洲中部的热带雨林。在蚁巢中,白蚁为鸡?菌提供培养基并抑制其它微生物的生长;鸡?菌帮助白蚁降解食物并为白蚁提供营养丰富的菌丝体(小白球)。白蚁婚飞和筑巢等活动使鸡?菌得到远距离传播。
【Abstract】 The origin and nature of mutualistic relationships between Termitomyces spp.and termites(Macrotermitinae) have been reviewed.Termites descended from a single ancestor that ’invented’ agriculture approximately 30 million years ago,and their mutualism with Termitomyces spp.originated in the African rain forest.In a formicary,Termitomyces spp.gain advantage through access to plant material which,because of its easy degradation and assimilation,is suitable for fungal growth.Furthermore,the termites ...
【关键词】 鸡菌; 白蚁; 共生;
【Key words】 Termitomyces; termites; mutualism;