【作者】 蔡丹凤; 陈美元; 蔡志欣; 李洪荣; 郭仲杰; 廖剑华; 王泽生;
【Author】 CAI Danfeng,CHEN Meiyuan,CAI Zhixin,LI Hongrong,GUO Zhongjie,LIAO Jianhua,WANG Zesheng Institute of Edible Fungi,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou,Fujian 350014,China
【机构】 福建省农科院食用菌研究所;
【摘要】 对21个鸡腿蘑栽培菌株的基因组DNA进行SRAP分析,9对引物共获得23条明显的多态性扩增条带,利用23条扩增条带对菌株进行聚类分析,获得亲缘关系树状图。结果显示:不同菌株间存在着丰富的遗传多样性,扩增指纹能有效分辨不同菌株的基因型。在60%的相似值上,21个菌株可以分为5大类,而在100%相似值上,除2个菌株Co.0071和Co.0072未能区分外,其余19个菌株均可单独分开。
【Abstract】 Twenty-one Coprinus comatus cultivars were collected from different areas of China and analyzed using the sequence-related amplified polymorphism(SRAP) marker system.PCR amplification using nine primer pairs revealed 23 polymorphic DNA bands which,at a 60% similarity coefficient,separated the 21 strains into 5 groups.At a 100% similarity coefficient,all the strains except those designated Co.0071 and Co.0072 were distinguishable from each other.
【关键词】 鸡腿蘑; SRAP; DNA指纹分析;
【Key words】 Coprinus comatus; sequence-related amplified polymorphism(SRAP); DNA fingerprinting;
【基金】 福建省科技厅重大专项子项目(编号:2008SZ0002-M-07)的部分研究内容