【作者】 汪虹; 魏静; 林楠; 冯爱萍; 陈明杰; 鲍大鹏;
【Author】 WANG Hong,WEI Jing,LIN Nan,FENG Aiping,CHEN Mingjie,BAO Dapeng National Research Center for Edible Fungi Biotechnology and Engineering;Key Laboratory of AppliedMycological Resources and Utilization,Ministry of Agriculture,People’s Republic of China;ShanghaiKey Laboratory of Agricultural Genetics and Breeding;Institute of Edible Fungi,Shanghai Academy ofAgricultural Sciences,Shanghai 201106,China
【机构】 国家食用菌工程技术研究中心农业部应用真菌资源与利用重点开放实验室上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所;
【摘要】 根据蛹虫草(Cordyceps militaris)交配型基因的序列设计3对特异性引物,对收集到的14株蛹虫草正常菌株和退化菌种进行PCR鉴定。结果表明,3株正常菌株含有MAT-HMG和MAT-alpha两类交配型基因,判定为异核体;11株退化菌株仅仅含有MAT-HMG或者MAT-alpha交配型基因,判定为同核体。笔者推测,蛹虫草发生不形成子实体的菌种退化的原因之一是核相发生了改变,即异核体变成了同核体。
【Abstract】 Fourteen Cordyceps militaris specimens(three fruiting and eleven non-fruiting) were collected from a cultivation facility in Shanghai in two separate batches(1st batch,two fruiting and ten non-fruiting;2nd batch,one fruiting and one non-fruiting).Three specific primer pairs,designed according to the reference mating type genes of C.militaris deposited in the NCBI database,were used to amplified mating type genes in the cultivated specimens.Two forms of mating type genes were amplified from the t...
【关键词】 蛹虫草; 交配型基因; 核相; 退化;
【Key words】 Cordyceps militaris; mating type gene; nuclear phase; degradation;
【基金】 农业部公益性行业科研专项项目(编号:nyhyzx07-008);;上海市科委项目(编号:08JC1418100);;2011年上海市自然科学基金(编号:11ZR1432500)的部分研究内容