【作者】 许峰; 刘宇; 赵爽; 王贺祥; 张国庆; 王守现; 闫跃龙; 侯宇; 冯杉杉;
【Author】 XU Feng1,LIU Yu1,ZHAO Shuang1,WANG Hexiang2,ZHANG Guoqing3,WANG Shouxian1,YAN Yuelong 2,HOU Yu2,FENG Shanshan 21Institute of Plant and Environmental Protection,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science,Beijing 100097,China;2State Key Laboratory for Agribiotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China;3Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture(North) of the Ministry of Agriculture,College of Biotechnology,Beijing University of Agriculture,Beijing 102206,China
【机构】 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所; 中国农业大学农业生物技术国家重点实验室; 北京农学院生物技术学院农业部都市农业(北方)重点实验室;
【摘要】 从秀珍菇超高压保鲜的包装袋中分离获得WM1002菌株,以其基因组为模板扩增获得该菌株的16SrRNA基因的序列,结果表明:该菌株与芽孢杆菌属菌株的基因序列同源性较高,GenBank登录号为HQ730134;以Neighbor-Joining(N-J)方法构建系统发育树,结果表明菌株WM1002同已知菌Bacillus velezensisCR-502、B.vallis mortis DSM11031、B.methylotrophicus CBMB205和B.atrophaeusJCM9070的遗传距离最近,相似性均达到99.8%,因此将菌株WM1002鉴定为Bacillussp.。
【Abstract】 A bacterial isolate,WM1002,obtained from packaged Pleurotus geesterani fruit bodies that had been processed using super high pressure technology,was identified as a strain of Bacillus based on 16S rRNA sequencing.The 16S rRNA sequence has been deposited in GenBank under the accession number,HQ730134.A phylogenetic tree consisting of 16S rRNA sequences from other Bacillus species and constructed using the neighbor-joining method revealed that isolate WM1002 exhibited a high genetic similarity(99....
【关键词】 秀珍菇; 芽孢杆菌; 16S rRNA;
【Key words】 Pleurotus geesterani; Bacillus; 16S rRNA;
【基金】 北京农学院基础基金(编号:2017516002)的部分研究内容