【作者】 王幸斌; 宋景平; 叶超;
【Author】 WANG Xing-bin,SONG Jing-ping,YE Chao(Biology and Chemical Engineering Department,Jingdezhen Comprehensive College,Jingdezhen Jiangxi 333000)
【机构】 景德镇高等专科学校生物与化学工程系;
【摘要】 在环境压力和哥本哈根会议精神的影响下,低碳化必然成为今后社会与经济的发展趋势。现今,食用菌原辅材料与能源价格不断攀升,食用菌产业面临着严峻的挑战,但同时也蕴育着新的机遇。如何提升产业的整体水平,适应低碳经济的总体趋势,是目前食用菌行业急需解决的问题。就该行业目前的实际状况,笔者根据自身的实践与经历,提出了一套切实可行的低碳技术与策略,以期能对同行提供一些有益的参考,推动食用菌事业的健康发展。
【Abstract】 Because of the pressure of environment and the effect of spirit of Copenhagen Climate Conference 2009,low carbonation would be the inexorable trend of economic development in the future.Nowadays,the price of raw materials of mushroom and energy was rising constantly.Mushroom industry was facing with serious challenges,but also contained new chances.How to raise the whole level of mushroom industry,and to adapt the overall trend of low carbon,was the problem which should be solved urgently.Accord...
【关键词】 食用菌; 适应; 低碳经济;
【Key words】 Edible mushroom; Adaptation; Low carbon economy;