【作者】 杨玉画; 李彩萍; 聂建军; 邢虹娟; 李兆斌; 王铮;
【Author】 YANG Yu-hua1,LI Cai-ping2,NIE Jian-jun1,XING Hong-juan1,LI Zhao-bin1,WANG Zheng1(1.Institute of Agricultural Resources Comprehensive Survey,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shanxi Taiyuan 030006;2.Soil and Fertilizer Institute,Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shanxi Taiyuan 030006)
【机构】 山西省农科院农业资源综合考察研究所; 山西省农科院土壤肥料研究所;
【摘要】 通过对柠条木屑与玉米芯培养基配方进行筛选及栽培白灵菇试验。结果表明,用柠条、玉米芯组成的配方栽培白灵菇,其产量、形态、品质与棉籽壳栽培区别不大,而且口味更好。因此,用柠条、玉米芯组成的复合培养基代替棉籽壳栽培白灵菇完全可行。
【Abstract】 Contrasted to Pleurotus nebrodensis cultivated by cotton seed hulls,Pleurotus nebrodensis with screening and testing had better taste,which is cultivated by caraganamicrophylla sawdust and corncob medium formula.Consequently,it was available that Pleurotus nebrodensis cultivated by caraganamicrophylla and corncob compound medium absolutely substitutes for Pleurotus nebrodensis cultivated by cotton seed hulls with the same yield,form and quality contents.
【关键词】 白灵菇; 柠条; 玉米芯; 栽培;
【Key words】 Pleurotus nebrodensis; Caraganamicrophylla; Corncob; Cultivation;