【作者】 范可章; 陈灵; 张振; 蔡健; 刘生杰; 李焰焰;
【Author】 FAN Ke-zhang1,CHEN Ling2,ZHANG Zhen2,CAI Jian1,LIU Sheng-jie1,LI Yan-yan1(1.School of Life Science,Fuyang Teachers College,Fuyang Anhui 236041;2.Advanced Professional High School of Ning Lao Zhuang,Fuyang Anhui 236036)
【机构】 阜阳师范学院生命科学学院; 阜阳市宁老庄高级职业中学;
【摘要】 袋栽平菇2潮后菌棒失水干缩,能否补水成为限制出菇的主要因子。脱袋覆土成了补水兼顾补养的优良措施,方法主要有畦式覆土法和泥菌墙法,为了弄清两者优劣以便更好地指导平菇生产,特进行比较试验。结果表明,畦式覆土法更易于补水、补养,不仅管理方便,而且出菇潮次多、转潮快、出菇商品性高、生物转化率大。相比之下,泥菌墙法在补水、补养上不易使上下层均匀,在上层已显缺水时,下层还在水渍状态,且平菇易污染泥水而导致品质下降。另外,泥菌墙法中平菇转潮慢,生物转化率小,容易积温。平菇2潮后菌棒畦式覆土栽培法是获得高产的优选措施。
【Abstract】 After two times yielding,the substrates of bag-planting oyster mushroom would lose much water and become dry and shrink,and filling water or not become the primary limit factor for mushroom yielding.Put off the plastic bag and to cover the substrates with mud turns into a good measure for filling water and filling nutrition was the good technique,which had two primary manners,such as to earth up the substrates in farmland and to build the substrates in wall with mud.The results showed that the m...
【关键词】 袋栽平菇; 两潮后菌棒; 畦式覆土法; 泥菌墙法; 比较研究;
【Key words】 Bag-planting oyster mushroom; Substrates after two times yielding; To earth up in farmland; To build the wall with substrates and mud; Comparison research;
【基金】 国家科技支撑“沿淮非耕地减灾综合利用技术集成与示范”(2009BAD6B06-5);;安徽省教育厅教研项目(2008jyxm460)