【作者】 梁朔; 朱坚; 刘梦南; 江丽琴; 刘昆;
【Author】 LIANG Shuo,ZHU Jian,LIU Meng-nan,JIANG Li-qin,LIU Kun(Mycological Research Center,College of Horticulture,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fujian Fuzhou 350002)
【机构】 福建农林大学菌物研究中心园艺学院;
【摘要】 为了深入挖掘灵芝优越的保健功效,本研究以灵芝为原料,通过单因素和正交试验,筛选发酵菌株、优化发酵和调制工艺,经接受性检测,确定灵芝醋饮料加工工艺,切片灵芝按固水比1∶100加水,100℃下煮制浸提2 h,过滤;每100毫升滤液添加蔗糖16 g,调配pH4.0,接种迪发酵母菌0.20 g,32℃下发酵144 h;发酵液接种沪酿1.01醋酸菌0.2 g,120 r.min-1、32℃恒温发酵14 d,抽滤获得灵芝醋酸发酵液;将灵芝醋酸发酵液和浸提液按1∶1混合,每100毫升添加蔗糖7 g、葡萄糖0.6 g、食盐0.04 g调配成灵芝醋饮料,然后包装灭菌,开发出一款具有灵芝独特风味的新型保健灵芝醋饮料。
【Abstract】 The optimal fermentation strain and fermentation process for a new type of Ganoderma lucidum vinegar beverage with special taste were investigated by single factor and orthogonal array design methods.The results through acceptance tests showed that the optimal processing technology of Ganoderma lucidum vinegar beverage were the ratio of slice solid and liquid ratio of 1∶100.The extraction time were 2 h,and temperature were 100℃.The optimal fermentation condition were sucrose sugar were adding in...
【关键词】 灵芝; 迪发酵母; 沪酿1.01; 发酵工艺; 醋饮料调配;
【Key words】 Ganoderma lucidum; Difa yeast; Shanghai brewing 1.01; Technology of fermentation; Beverage making;
【基金】 福建省星火计划重点项目“银耳、竹荪等食用菌精深加工综合技术开发”(2006S0001)