【作者】 张志才; 陈明霞; 李欣; 申王莉;
【Author】 ZHANG Zhi-cai,CHEN Ming-xia,LI Xin,SHEN Wang-li(School of Food and Biological Egineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang Jiangsu 212013)
【机构】 江苏大学食品与生物工程学院;
【摘要】 探讨了培养基中添加不同中药对灵芝子实体成分的影响。结果表明,添加不同中药培养的灵芝子实体中黄酮含量均有显著增加,皂甙含量也均有增加,部分子实体中多糖、三萜含量有一定程度的提高,并且子实体中4种成分含量高低对应中药的种类不同。可见不同的中药对灵芝子实体成分含量的作用效果不同;子实体具有富集中药成分的作用,且对同一类化合物不同结构的化合物富集能力不同。这个结果有助于解释用不同原料栽培灵芝,其子实体成分与功效的差异性。
【Abstract】 The composition of Ganoderma lucidum fruitbody effectd by adding different traditional Chinese medicines to the culture medium were discussed.The results showed that flavonoid content in Ganoderma lucidum fruitbodies cultured by adding different traditional Chinese medicine was increased remarkably,and saponin content was all increased comparatively.Polysaccharides and triterpene content in some fruitbodies were enhanced to some extent and four effective constituent content in fruitbodies was in...
【关键词】 赤芝; 中药; 子实体; 成分分析;
【Key words】 Ganoderma lucidum; Traditional Chinese medicine; Fruitbody; Component analysis;
【基金】 第44批中国博士后基金(20080440810);南通市社会发展基金(S2008004)