【作者】 雷萍; 张文隽; 吴亚召; 孙小娟; 刘博文; 黎涛;
【Author】 LEI Ping1,ZHANG Wen-jun1,WU Ya-zhao1,SUN Xiao-juan2,LIU Bo-wen2,LI Tao2(1.Shaanxi Microbioogy Rereach Institute,Xi’an Shanxi 710043; 2.Yuyuan Fungus Professional Cooperatives,Sanyuan Shanxi 713800)
【机构】 陕西省微生物研究所; 陕西三原玉圆食用菌专业合作社;
【摘要】 对巨大口蘑Tsw-06的生物学特性做了初步的研究。比较了不同温度、pH值、碳源、氮源条件下菌丝生长情况。试验结果表明,巨大口蘑Tsw-06菌丝生长最适温度为25℃~30℃,最适pH值为6.0,最适碳源为玉米粉,最适氮源为黄豆粉,最适培养基含水量为70%。
【Abstract】 The biological characteristics of Tricholoma giganteum Tsw-06 were preliminary studied.The different temperature,pH value,source of carbon,nitrogen source conditions hyphae growth situation were compared.Test results indicated that the optimum temperature for the hyphae growth were 25℃~30℃,the optimal pH value were 6.0,optimum carbon and nitrogen source were cornmeal and soybean powder,and moisture content was 70%.
【关键词】 巨大口蘑Tsw-06; 生物学特性; 菌丝; 生长速度;
【Key words】 Tricholoma giganteum Tsw-06; Biological characteristics; Hyphae growth speed;
【基金】 陕西省科技厅农业攻关项目“新特食用菌品种选育及标准化生产技术研究”(项目编号:2010K01-24);陕西省重大科技创新项目“特色食用菌优良品种选育及产业开发”(项目编号:2010ZKC09-18)