【作者】 韦仕岩; 黄卓忠; 王灿琴; 陈振妮; 宁福桂;
【Author】 WEI Shi-yan1,HUANG Zhuo-zhong1,WANG Can-qin1,CHEN Zhen-ni1,NING Fu-gui2(1.Microbiology Research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning Guangxi 530007; 2.Cooperation of Nanning Guiguan Biology Edible Fungi,Nanning Guangxi 530031)
【机构】 广西农业科学院微生物研究所; 南宁市桂观生物食用菌专业合作社;
【摘要】 采用脱袋直立、脱袋卧式与袋内覆土3种栽培模式进行比较试验。结果表明,采用脱袋直立覆土模式占地面积不多,产量高,生物学效率达到90.7%,在生产中可推广此覆土出菇模式,从而获得较高的经济效益。
【Abstract】 Comparative experiment of casing ways of Jinfugu(baggless of endong,baggless of horizatation and bag cultivation) were studied.The results showed that adopting ways of baggless endlong didn’t cover much area but the output was high,and the biology effection was over 90.7%.This way can be recomemded because the economy benefit was upper compared with the other ways.
【关键词】 金福菇; 覆土模式; 比较试验; 生物学效率;
【Key words】 Tricholoma lobayense Heim; Casing Ways; Comparative experiment; Biology effection;
【基金】 广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科攻0992011-8)