【作者】 赵爽; 布达; 刘宇; 许峰; 耿小丽; 王守现; 孟莉莉;
【Author】 ZHAO Shuang 1,BU Da2,LIU Yu1,XU Feng1,GENG Xiao-li1,WANG Shou-xian1,MENG Li-li1(1.Institute of Plant and Environment Protection,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097; 2.Life Science Collage,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou Henan 450002)
【机构】 北京农林科学院植保环保研究所; 河南农业大学生命科学学院;
【摘要】 研究目的在于从保藏的9种毛木耳品种中筛选出高蛋白、高多糖含量的优势菌株,为毛木耳功能研发发掘出优势材料。通过菌丝发酵的方法获得9种毛木耳的菌丝体,经过组织处理,利用二奎林甲酸(BCA)检测法和苯酚-硫酸法进行蛋白质和多糖的筛选工作。研究结果表明,9个品种中蛋白质含量较高的品种为毛木耳福建农,其蛋白质含量占菌丝体鲜重的8.99%;水溶性多糖含量较高的为毛木耳紫木耳品种,分别占菌丝体干重的2.625%。通过研究发现9个品种中蛋白质含量和多糖含量存在较大差异,可根据对功能成分开发需要,选择优势菌株并对其进行高产发酵方面研究.
【Abstract】 The aim of this research was to choose the advanced strains with high contents of protein and hydrophilic polysaccharide from 9 strains of Auricularia polytricha.The advanced strains would be considered as the valuable materials for function development.The content of protein and hydrophilic polysaccharide in mycelium during the submerged fermentation period were studied in this research by bicinchoninic acid(BCA) method and phenol-sulphuric acid method.The results showed the strains of Auricula...
【关键词】 毛木耳菌丝; 蛋白质; 水溶性多糖; 二奎林甲酸(BCA); 苯酚-硫酸法;
【Key words】 Auricularia polytricha(Mont.)Sacc mycelium; Protein; Hydrophilic polysaccharide; Bicinchoninic acid(BCA); Phenol-sulphuric acid method;
【基金】 北京市农林科学院青年基金(QNJJ201009);北京市农林科学院科技创新能力建设专项(KJCX201102002)