【作者】 邓利君; 徐阿生; 刘小娇;
【Author】 DENG Li-jun,XU A-sheng,LIU Xiao-jiao(Tibet Institute of Ecology,Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College,Linzhi Xizang 860000)
【机构】 西藏农牧学院高原生态研究所;
【摘要】 色季拉山位于西藏东南部,高差变化悬殊,具有典型的立体气候和垂直分布的土壤、植被,自然条件优越,为大型真菌提供了良好的生长环境。依据在色季拉山采集的标本和查阅相关文献资料,整理出丝膜菌科(Cortinariaceae)、丝膜菌属(Cortinarius)大型真菌16种,并对其各自的发生季节、分布林型和经济价值进行简单描述。
【Abstract】 Sejila Mountain located in southeast of Tibet.It is one of the most abundance areas of macrofungi resources in China.Here exist dense forest and rich in fungal resources.According to specimen collected from the Sejila Mountain and consulting related literature,there were 16 species of Cortinarius.Their ecological distribution,occuring period,eco-environment,economic value,and the relationship between Cortinarius and plants were introduced in this paper.
【关键词】 色季拉山; 种类; 丝膜菌属; 经济价值;
【Key words】 Sejila Mountain; Species; Cortinarius; Economic value;