【作者】 袁卫东; 陶雪; 王伟科; 陆娜; 余建明; 王世恒; 冯凤琴; 周祖法; 王素彬; 闫静; 宋吉玲;
【Author】 YUAN Weidong1,TAO Xue2,WANG Weike1,LU Na1,YU Jianming3,WANG Shiheng1 ,FENG Fengqin2,ZHOU Zufa1,WANG Subin3,YAN Jing1,SONG Jiling 1 1Hangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310024,China;2School of Bio-systems Engineering and Food Science,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310029,China;3Agricultural Bureau of Chun’ an County,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 311700,China
【机构】 杭州市农业科学研究院; 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院; 杭州市淳安县农业局;
【摘要】 对以桑枝屑、梨枝屑、杂木屑为主要基质栽培的黑木耳的常规营养成分、氨基酸、总黄酮、1-脱氧野尻霉素(1-Deoxynojirimycin,1-DNJ)、维生素和微量元素含量等进行检测,探讨不同基质栽培的黑木耳的营养成分之间的差异。结果表明,桑枝屑黑木耳中的总糖、粗纤维、碳水化合物、黄酮、微量元素钙和磷含量较高,梨枝屑黑木耳中氨基酸总量、铁、锌、维生素B1和B2的含量较高,表明桑、梨枝屑可以作为黑木耳栽培的基质加以利用。
【Abstract】 The concentrations of selected nutritional components in Auricularia auricula fruit bodies grown on substrates consisting largely of mulberry wood sawdust,pear tree sawdust,or mixed wood sawdust have been determined.Highest levels of total sugar,crude fiber,carbohydrate,flavonoid,Ca and P were recorded in fruit bodies grown with mulberry wood sawdust,whereas total amino acid,Fe,Zn,vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 concentrations were highest in mushrooms grown with pear tree sawdust.Our data demonstrate...
【关键词】 桑枝屑; 梨枝屑; 杂木屑; 黑木耳; 营养成分;
【Key words】 Mulberry wood sawdust; pear tree sawdust; mixed wood sawdust; Auricularia auricula; nutritional component;
【基金】 农业部重点项目国家食用菌产业技术体系、杭州市科技发展计划项目(编号:20092232I03)的部分研究内容