【作者】 周全; 徐翎;
【Author】 ZHOU Quan,XU Ling Bioengineering Department,Wuhan Bioengineering Institute,Wuhan,Hubei 430415,China
【机构】 武汉生物工程学院生物工程系;
【摘要】 以菌丝生物量为评价指标,对液体摇瓶培养柱状田头菇(Agrocybe cylindracea)的碳氮源、接种量及培养时间进行研究,筛选出培养的适宜条件,并将外源激素6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-benzylaminopurine,6-BA)、2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,2,4-D)、吲哚乙酸(indole-3-acetic acid,IAA)、萘乙酸(α-naphthaleneacetic acid,NAA)添加于液体培养基中探讨其加快菌丝体繁殖的可能性。结果表明,柱状田头菇液体发酵适宜的培养基组成为(/L):马铃薯200 g,小麦粉20 g,酵母粉1 g,MgSO43 g,KH2PO42 g,VB110 mg。培养条件以250 mL摇瓶装液量100 mL,接种量100 mL/L,培养9 d终止发酵为宜;外源激素NAA能极显著提高菌丝生物量。
【Abstract】 Orthogonal testing was used to optimize selected parameters(e.g.carbon source,nitrogen source,inoculum size,cultivation time,exogenous hormone supplementation) affecting Agrocybe cylindracea biomass production in submerged culture.Biomass production was maximal after 9 d on a medium consisting(/L) of 200 g potato,20 g wheat flour,1 g yeast extract,2 g KH2PO4,3 g MgSO4,and 10 mg vitamin B1,using 100 mL culture medium/250 mL culture flask and a 10% inoculum.Significant increases in biomass product...
【关键词】 柱状田头菇; 液体培养; 外源激素;
【Key words】 Agrocybe cylindracea; liquid culture; exogenous hormones;