【作者】 吴金平; 付振艳; 王晓军; 王建宝;
【Author】 WU Jinping1,2,FU Zhenyan1 ,WANG Xiaojun1,WANG Jianbao3,4 1The Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry,The Chinese Academy of Science,Urumqi,Xinjiang 830011,China;2Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 10049,China;3The Agriculture Bureau of Sanming in Fujian Province,Sanming,Fujian 365000,China;4Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of Manas in Xinjiang Province,Manas,Xinjiang 832200,China
【机构】 中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所; 中国科学院研究生院; 福建三明市农业局; 新疆玛纳斯县农业技术推广中心;
【摘要】 驯化研究表明,翘鳞伞(Pholiota squarrosa)可在以木屑、棉籽壳为主料,麸皮、玉米面、石膏、磷酸二氢钾为辅料的罐头瓶培养料上正常生长发育,一年两次栽培,接种到子实体采收约120~130 d,生物学效率达53%。
【Abstract】 Pholiota squarrosa was cultivated on a substrate consisting of 60% sawdust,20% cottonseed hulls,15% wheat bran and 5% corn meal,and supplemented with 1% gypsum and 0.2% KH2PO4.The recorded biological efficiency was 53%,and the duration of the cultivation cycle was ~120~130 days.
【关键词】 翘鳞伞(翘鳞环锈伞); 野生菌; 驯化栽培;
【Key words】 Pholiota squarrosa; wild macrofungus; cultivation;
【基金】 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划“西部博士资助项目”(编号:0929591401,0954181401);新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金项目(编号:2011211B50)的部分研究内容