猴头蘑源于大兴安岭原始森林,含有大量蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、氨基酸和多种维生素,能增强人体免疫力。一向被列为国宴名菜,可与燕窝、鱼翅媲美。食用方法:1,每块800-1000毫升温水浸泡15-20分钟,泡松复原后即可烹调食用.2,先倒入冷水浸泡10分钟后,去除冷水倒入温水,浸泡15分钟效果更佳.madusafungiIt's picked from DaXing AnLing(Ling means mountains)primeval forest of CHINA'S Heilongjiang province.which is rich in protein,carbohydrates elements, amino acid, various vitamins,can enhance the human immunity.it has always been listed a state banquet specializes,can comparable with the birdsnestandsharkfin.specification of the bag's dry goods is 150 grams(330*225mm 30bags per box)Usage;1,It should be soaked in 800-1000ml warm water for 15-20 minites and it sould be edible after recovering to the condition before compressed.2,Put it into cold water for 10 minutes then remove the cold water and inject the watm water for 15minutes' soaking that will get better effect.